
Represented by Amy Collins, Talcott Notch, Milford Connecticut. To reach agent Amy visit her webiste.

To contact Gianaclis directly, fill in below:

37 thoughts on “Contact

  1. I attended the Mother Earth News fair in Puyallup this past May and want to thank you for all your cheese and yogurt making demonstrations!! I was the one who suggested you put photos of other gelatin on your slides other than the conventional brands. The Weston A. Price Foundation recommends a couple different brands of gelatin from organic/grassfed cows. We use Bernart Jensen’s 100% Bovine Gelatin. I wouldn’t want to use gelatin from a CAFO cow. Hope to see some of the healthier gelatins on your slides next year. Thank you, thank you again!

    • Hi there, All we have scheduled right now is the short course in February. Most classes will take place in the fall. The best thing to do is watch our website or follow our farm on Facebook. If you have a specific class in mind, let me know and I will do my best to let you know when it is on the calendar. Thanks!   Gianaclis   Pholia Farm Creamery, LLC Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats  Rogue River, Oregon    

  2. I would like to know what classes you have planned for this summer and the coming fall of 2014. Also, could you provide me with your location? I live in Vancouver Canada.

  3. Hi, I am teaching in different parts of the US and world throughout the summer. The closest to you will be in Seattle on Sept 21st. We are located in southern Oregon. Let me know if you are interested in the Seattle class and I will connect you to the man organizing it. It will be all about surface ripened white mold cheeses. Thanks, gianaclis

    • Hello Gianaclis,

      Yes, I would be interested in the September Seattle class and would appreciate it if you would put me in touch with the organizer.

      Thanks for getting back to me.


  4. I was at the Feb’14 3 day farmstead class and your mother made the most delicious gluten free chocolate cake for one of the luncheons. My daughter has since gone gluten free and now more than ever, I wish I had stopped at your mom’s house to get that recipe. You told me it might be on your web page somewhere but I have been unable to find it— any chance I could locate it?? you can email me at or post to this site- sorry to bother you when you are so busy Giannaclis. We really enjoyed your class and look forward to seeing you in Wisconsin next year! Rose Boero

  5. Hello Gianaclis, I just thought you’d like to know that I’m sure your excellent book “mastering artisan cheesemaking” has helped me do so well with my farmhouse cheese. Last year at the World Cheese Awards 2013 in the UK, I got a Silver Award and this year, World Cheese Awards 2014 held in London (UK) I was awarded a “Super Gold” which means it was chosen to be among the top 62 cheeses in an entry field of 2,600 or so from over 30 countries. It was a small cheese made from the milk of two of my 4 cows, Dizzy and Patsy. I’m very chuffed!
    So my sincere thanks!
    Biddy Fraser-Davies, New Zealand

  6. Your piece on Keeping Coagulants Straight comes at just the right time. As a cheesemonger at the Union Square Farmers’ Market, last Saturday a few customers asked detailed questions about different types of rennet. Your concise summary is clearly-written and helpful for those who want to know how cheese is made.

  7. Hi Gianaclis,

    I took your class today and wanted to ask you a question, but didn’t want to get the class off topic. So I was hoping it would be more appropriate to email you.

    You had mentioned not to raise cows and pigs near each other, I’m assuming that meant dairy goats too. I didn’t get to ask why. I’ve tried researching it, with little results.

    Can you explain why they need to be kept apart and best distance I should keep them apart. We’re farming 4 acres.

    Also which of your books would help me better understand this scinario what testing I can do myself, to better protect myself.

    Our pigs and goats are not in the same pen. However I used our butcher pigs this year to completely work my expanded garden area, which I’m planting in June with sunflowers, corn and other feed items for our goats and pigs.

    Thank you again for your time today. It was refreshing and very informative.

  8. Hi Tammy! Thanks for coming to the class, you all were a great group!
    So hogs and poultry both commonly harbor bacteria in their guts that can easily contaminate milk and pose human health risks. You can have them on the same land, but be careful to separate chores, and preferably boots. Don’t go into the hog area and then into your parlor. Poultry should be treated the same. The dairy situation I mentioned had the pigs in a pen within the cow pen and right next to where the cows walked through the mixed muck from the pigs and the cows and into the parlor. Small-scale Dairy would be the book for you.

    • Thank you so much for the added information. I’d like to order the small scale dairy book. Do you still have some left? Can I order through your website?

      Thanks again, Tammy

      Sent from my iPhone


  9. Hi Gianaclis.

    I’ve been making Colby and Cheddar for a few months at home. I have your book Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking. I have found that using a pH meter a useful indicator to know when progress to the next stage particularly when to drain the whey and when to hoop.
    I am looking into making Parmesan. I have searched around for the pH guidelines but cannot find any. Do you have any suggestions for the pH readings for making Parmesan.

    thanks !

  10. After vaccum packed cheese has aged could it be waxed? I enjoyed your class in Seven Springs, PA. Love your book!! Making cheddar.

  11. Thank you for the great article on rennet harvesting! We just harvested a bull calf last week and have been drying his abomasum as well. Your photos and descriptions are so helpful!

  12. In your Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking book you briefly mention the use of sous vide equipment. Do you have any further experience or information on this? It seems like a great solution but current information is difficult to find.

    • Hello
      I just started making cheese at home and have a sous vide set up. I had difficulty maintaining temps etc on the stove with just making yogurt so I knew I needed a better way to make cheese.
      The sous vide set up has helped tremendously! It maintains the water bath temp easilly and allows me to work on other things while the milk is ripening etc. Time saver!

  13. I love your website, Gianaclis. I took your cheesemaking class back in 2011/2012 and am currently studying your book, “Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking.”
    I moved to an agricultural community (Wasatch Commons) in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I and some other girls have started a Nigerian Dwarf club and are looking for some certified Nigerian Dwarfs to buy, among many other process steps of preparing and maintaining for which I think one of us has ordered your other books.
    You are a huge influence. Thank you.

    • Hi Mina! Since that post, I have learned more and coincidentally, I have a yogurt book coming out next year and recommend sous vide set ups for incubation! So thank you for your note on it as well! Best to you! Gianaclis

      • Hello I have read through many cheese making books and yours by far is the most informative. Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking reads like a text book. It’s not just a recipe book! I am attempting to make a Pecorino Crotonese but I’m not sure if I should be following your guidelines for Extra-Hard Piquant Cheese (pg 292) or one from Semihard to Hard Cheeses? Crotonese, from what I understand, is more of a semihard cheese. If I make a hard cheese using ewes milk, I’ve essentially made a Pecorinio Romano. Which is not my goal. Crotonese moulds themselves are not meant to have heavy weights. Mostly light pressing if any. Can you provide any guidance as to process and weights? Thanks!

        Mina LaFortune

        The Counting Department Inc.

      • Hi Mina,
        If you would email me these questions, I can better answer in that format. My email is my first name I’ll look forward to trying to help with your cheese project!

  14. Gianaclis……I attended the Mother Earth News Fair in Topeka and your butter/ cheese demo. Fantastic! You told us that your PowerPoint presentation would be available to view here on your site. I’ve been searching but cannot find it. Can you help?

  15. Hi Barbara, thanks for coming to my talk in Topeka! I must have not been clear, it’s not there yet. Which part are you especially interested in and I’ll try to email it to you? Is it the buttermaking or some of the other info? you can email me – it’s my first name at gmail .com

  16. Hi Gianaclis,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your Gianaclis Caldwell has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 Cheese Blogs on the web.

    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 Cheese Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  17. Hello
    I have read through many cheese making books and yours by far is the most informative. Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking reads like a text book. It’s not just a recipe book!
    I am attempting to make a Pecorino Crotonese but I’m not sure if I should be following your guidelines for Extra-Hard Piquant Cheese (pg 292) or one from Semihard to Hard Cheeses? Crotonese, from what I understand, is more of a semihard cheese. If I make a hard cheese using ewes milk, I’ve essentially made a Pecorinio Romano. Which is not my goal. Crotonese moulds themselves are not meant to have heavy weights. Mostly light pressing if any.
    Can you provide any guidance as to process and weights?

  18. Hey, gianaclis!

    Do you not wish you were Instagram popular?

    Ever thought about how to be an Instagram Influencer?

    Now, imagine that it is Friday and you’ve just woken up from a sound slumber.

    Roll over, check the cell.

    Hit the Instragram App.

    Youare flabbergastered at what is waiting for you: Over 832 likes on one of your pictures! There, you see a flurry of likes on your pictures–over 652 on a single photo alone.

    You hop out of your bed, and head to the kitchen. You want a drink, so you put the kettle on for some tea, and check Instagram again.

    Bam! Another 87 likes.

    Here comes another one. This time it’s not a like but a message from one of your followers. They commend you on your success and let you know they love scrolling through your content.

    A smirk grows on your face as you read another message. This person emailed you to let you know she loves your posts.

    Within minutes, your cell buzzes AGAIN.

    Hmmm, ANOTHER message. You close your cellphone and throw it in the bag. Time for the gym.
    Anyways, you get the point. This is the life of an Instagram celebrity. I should know, because I have made many of them.

    I’m going to show you how to take the reigns of your Instagram.

    Now, what if you raised your engagement by 100%, or 1000%?

    It is not difficult to do, although almost no one does. Just visit our website. There, you will learn how to garner Instagram followers and likes like mad…effortlessly.

    Our lovely, confidential service automatically sends likes to your images a few minutes after you have posted them.

    With this you’ve a big chance to be featured in the “Top Post” section.

    Sound too good for reality? Here’s what you have got to do to get a taste:
    1. Click
    2. Enter in your Instagram username.
    3. Your three most recent pictures will get 10 – 15 likes. Just like that.

    Being a everyday name on that page will increase your growth 10x, easy. You know where the answer to fame is. Now reach for it. Are you ready?

    See you on the flipside.

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